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Autumn Funder 2020

24th September 2020

About This Event

24th September 2020 - 5:30pm

We were delighted to come together on 24th September in support of three fantastic charities. Collectively, our audience raised more than £60,000 for these vital causes. Read more about the charities below or watch their pitches here. If you would like to fulfil your pledge from the night or make a new donation, please use this link


How It Works

At our live crowdfunding events, non-profits that are nominated and selected by members pitch for £10,000 each. Our events are open to anyone to attend and donations range from £10 to £10,000. Not been to a live crowdfunding event before? Read this to find out more.

The Projects

At our events, charities pitch for 6 minutes before taking questions from the audience.

A Partner in Education (APIE) designs and delivers teacher training programmes to support the development of a high-quality, inclusive and sustainable education model in Kigali, Rwanda, creating a model of excellence to be shared and disseminated across the educational profession in Rwanda to reach as many teachers, students and communities as possible.

The Armitage Foundation

The Armitage Foundation aims to achieve an NHS workforce of doctors who reflect the diverse society they serve by removing the obstacles that prevent able students from low socio-economic and ethnic minority backgrounds from studying medicine, providing a comprehensive programme which equips students with the skills and self-confidence to study medicine.


ACCORD (Action for Community Organisation, Rehabilitation and Development ) works to address economic and social marginalisation among the four main indigenous tribes of Gudalur, South India, through support for a range of community development programmes including an Innovation Hub which provides planning and ongoing support for community-owned micro-enterprises. 

Become a Member

The Funding Network is made up of individuals and businesses who want to support social change. Members of TFN can increase their understanding of the social change sector, deepen their engagement with the causes they give to, share their passion for social change, help organisations they already support and increase the impact of their donations.

Contact Us

Toynbee Hall
28 Commercial Street
E1 6LS
Tel: 07717 524905 Email: info@thefundingnetwork.org.uk

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